Books & Comics
I writ these: Satellites (a sci-fi short story collection), Broken Lines (an illustrated novel), One More Cup of Coffee (humor/essays), and Everything You Didn’t Ask For (comics & writing).
Purchase books at Object Publishing. Also available from: Amazon (paperback & Kindle) | | Broadside Bookshop | Powell’s | Books-a-Million | (Canada) | (UK) | Booktopia (Australia)
The Demographic
I’ve been rocking with Sturgis Cunningham as The Demographic since 2009. CDs are available from Object Publishing. We have four releases on Bandcamp:
I Hate Us
Listen Close
Verse Chorus Curse
See also: Solo Music & Old Bands

The Six
A video series documenting my 1966 Ford Mustang 6-cylinder coupe revival project. Purchased in Dec, 2021, this parts car was all original with a stuck engine and suffering from neglect and New England rust. Watch the latest episode, or check out two supercuts:
See also: The Six on Instagram
Standard Design
My freelance portfolio of graphic design, illustration, art direction, and After Effects animation. I’ve been doin’ this stuff for like three decades. Jeez!
Visit Standard Design
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Lots of things are available for purchase over at Object Publishing.
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See Also:
Stickers and digital prints on Etsy
T-shirts on Threadless

Archives & Junk
Remnants of my old website + evidence of unheralded creative endeavors.
★ Comic Strip Archive
★ Interviews, Reviews, & Articles
★ Old Comic Book Projects
★ Old Writing & Blog Junk
★ Solo Music & Old Bands
★ Dumb Videos & Cartoons
★ Painting, Collage, & Prints
★ 1998 Toyota Rav4
★ Gigposters & Flyer Archive
★ Calendar Archive
★ Radio Essay Archive
Professionally, I’m a graphic designer, illustrator, and After Effects animator. I like clean, flat, and bold. My portfolio is over at Standard Design. Subprofessionally (which I’m pretty sure is a word), I am an author, cartoonist, and an art-maker. I’ve released a few of books. I will release a few more. I have sold many coffee- and Massachusetts-related items on Etsy. Unprofessionally, I write and yell songs in the drum & guitar duo The Demographic. We sporadically rock wicked hard. I occasionally do quieter solo stuff. I had a song on Car Talk once. I wore a weird mask in a PIXIES video once. I reside in western Massachusetts. I was born in eastern Massachusetts. I live in a manky old house with a wonderful woman and a dog and two cats. I occasionally poke at a cruddy old 1966 Mustang.
Bibliography (prose & comics)
Satellites (short story collection, 2022)
Broken Lines (illustrated novel, 2018)
One More Cup Of Coffee (essays, 2016)
Everything You Didn’t Ask For (comic collection, 2014/18)
Comics & Chapbooks
Bygone (ltd ed chapbook, 2019)
Mind The Gap (ltd ed chapbook, 2019)
Failure, Incompetence (comic collection, 2006/OOP)
Famous Fighters (comic w/ Matt Smith, 2006/OOP)
Through The Wood, Beneath The Moon (comic w/ Matt Smith, 1998/OOP)
Alec Dear: A Dark Pome (comic w/ Matt Smith, 1996/OOP)
Discography (albums & recordings)
The Demographic
I Hate Us (EP, 2024)
Hiatus (2021)
Listen Close (2013)
“Bleak and Hollow” (single, 2013)
Verse Chorus Curse (2011)
Masstronaut (solo music)
“This Town” (single, 2020)
Don’t Worry About Me (home recordings, 2000-2009)
Alonely (home recordings, 1992-1999)
The No-Shadow Kick
Spatializing Sound In The Time Domain (2005)
The Promo EP (2001)
Basement Make-Out Party (1999)
[unreleased, 1993-1995]
Audio Enchilada
[unreleased, 1994]
[unreleased, 1990]
My Writing Has Been Published In…
Wired, Gizmodo, Boing Boing, Juked, Andromeda Spaceways, Boston Accent Lit, The Valley Advocate, Meat For Tea, The Boston Phoenix, Play (anthology), Infinite Lives (anthology), Laughing Squid, Shelter (anthology), Royal Flush magazine, I Want Your Skull, Letter X, VMAG, Aftertaste, Lollipop, FORTY-3, and Don’t Shoot! It’s Only Comics.
My Illustration & Design Work Has Been Published In…
Satanic Panic (2016, FAB Press)
It’s Only Rock & Roll But I Like It: More Real Rock Art for Real Rock Bands (2013)
Gig Posters Volume 2 (2011, Quirk Books) Coloring Book No. 3 (2010)
Typeface: Classic Typography for Contemporary Design (2009, Princeton)
Naive: Modernism & Folklore in Contemporary Graphic Design (2009, Gestalten)
Panda Meat Vol. 1 (2005, Last Gasp)
Art of Modern Rock: The Poster Explosion (2004, Chronicle Books)
Art Shows & Exhibitions
SORRY-GO-ROUND – The Green Bean, Northampton, Mass. (2016 solo show)
SORRY-GO-ROUND – The Rendezvous, Turners Falls, Mass. (2015 solo show)
LOOK 5 – FOE Gallery, Northampton, Mass. (2015)
dECAde – Easthampton, Mass. (2015)
LOOK 4 – FOE Gallery, Northampton, Mass. (2014)
Oya Festival – Oslo, Norway (2009)
Beans And Screens – Durham, NC (2008)
Art or Advertisement? – Charleston, SC (2007)
YINZ GOT POSTERS – Pittsburgh, PA (2007)
Graphic Noise – Museum of Design, Atlanta (2005)
Contact & Links
USPS: PO BOX 880, Northampton, MA 01060
Social: Instagram | X | YouTube | Bluesky | Threads | Goodreads | Linktree | Mailchimp newsletter
Merch: Object Publishing | Etsy | Threadless

Tom Pappalardo | Standard Design |
Instagram | YouTube | Bluesky | Etsy
PO BOX 880, Northampton, MA 01061-880
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Copyright Tom Pappalardo